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Month: September 2022

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be the light


Be the light so others can find the way

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father in heaven. Many people talk about making a difference but following God's instruction as stated above is requires making the change from talking to doing. If Christians talk less and act as the light and salt of this world what a wonderful place it will be? Have you ever eaten a meal […]

today19 September 2022 98 2

beauty in brokeness


Beauty in brokenness

There is a rare beauty that comes from brokenness. Do you sometimes feel full of 'cracks' and imperfect? That feeling that something beautiful cannot come out of your brokenness? An old Japanese art, Kintsugi, hides a valuable life lesson that applies to every person's life, including yours! There's gold in your cracks In this work of art, lacquer is mixed with powdered gold, silver or even platinum to repair cracks. […]

today8 September 2022 354 4 2

discovering your identity


Discovering Identity

Discovering your identity is a complex thing and a lifelong journey. Being a teenager and a youth is tough business. You are somewhere in the middle of being a child and sort-of-but-not-really being an adult. There are all kinds of pressures that influence your being, mainly from school; your peers and for reasons, we are all confused about the things spewed from the [social] media. These things may not define […]

today4 September 2022 47 3

Our Socials

I Am Youth web radio is the go-to platform for today’s young adults. Our team of young, charismatic influencers is based in South Africa. We produce high-quality content on TikTok social media and YouTube. Our primary goal is to infiltrate the spaces that young people already occupy.

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