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Month: October 2022

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secret to happiness


The secret to happiness

What is real happiness? Can we buy it, sell it, trade it? The world seems to think so and offers happiness in many forms - but it never lasts. Look like this, be able to do that, own these things; and you'll be truly happy. Here's a different take on experiencing moments of true happiness - and it won't cost you a thing. Happiness in simple living Love. Life. Sunshine. […]

today31 October 2022 84 2



The dynamics of ambition

There is one secret sauce that fuels your desire to level up in life, and it is called ambition. It gives you the oomph to pursue studying, a new career, or new skills that add meaning to your life. The standard requirement for each ambitious being is boldness and bravery, which encourages our drive towards improving certain aspects of our current life phase. However, our desired accomplishments vary because of […]

today29 October 2022 158

GBV south africa


Young men must take a stand against GBV on campus

"According to the South African Police annual crime statistics, there were 42,289 rapes reported in 2019/2020, as well as 7,749 sexual assaults. Most of these types of crimes are suffered by women, at the hands of boys and men. Sadly, South Africa’s institutions of higher learning are increasingly becoming places where gender-based violence (GBV) is being perpetrated. There are statistics that confirm this. Every day, young women are violated, humiliated, […]

today17 October 2022 26

not ok


It’s Ok to not be Ok

It doesn’t seem right to be ok with not being ok. It may feel like you are giving in to feelings that will lead you to a downward spiral, or you are giving up on holding on to positivity. Maybe we learned to fear “negative” emotions and feelings at some point. As though these are monsters which will never let go of us if they grip their grimy poisonous claws […]

today1 October 2022 186 6 2

Our Socials

I Am Youth web radio is the go-to platform for today’s young adults. Our team of young, charismatic influencers is based in South Africa. We produce high-quality content on TikTok social media and YouTube. Our primary goal is to infiltrate the spaces that young people already occupy.

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