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I Am Learning


Hundreds of online courses for only R150 a year.

We invite you to sign up for the I Am Youth eLearning programme – our new online learning platform that gives you access to a wide range of online courses for only R150 a year. These courses are developed and maintained by SpecCon Holdings, a SETA accredited institution. Our programme offers a zero data rating, which means you will not have to use your data to complete any of our courses (only requires data to sign-in). Our platform offers courses such as Project Management, Customer Satisfaction, Information Technology, basic to advanced Microsoft Word, Outlook, and Excel Skills. You can even practice your K53 learners’ licence. We also have Entrepreneurship courses for all business types. Please click here to get all these courses and more for only R150 a year

Our Socials

I Am Youth web radio is the go-to platform for today’s young adults. Our team of young, charismatic influencers is based in South Africa. We produce high-quality content on TikTok social media and YouTube. Our primary goal is to infiltrate the spaces that young people already occupy.

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