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Are you a follower?

today11 December 2022 37

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Are you a follower of Jesus or do you occasionally bump into Him?

A dear friend asked me a somewhat random yet tricky question. We were sitting, enjoying a cup of coffee, looking at each other eye-to-eye (and not profile pic-to-profile pic), which was a welcome change. I suspect Louis was having one of his philosophical moments and, out of nowhere, asked me whether I follow Jesus or am I merely bumping into Him occasionally.

One tends to answer that you are following Jesus because we know it is the correct, acceptable answer. But is it the truthful answer?

What is a follower?

Following Jesus means that when He says go, you go; when He says stay, you stay; when He says log off, you log off; when He says unfollow, you unfollow.

Bumping into Him is when we live our lives much to our benefit and then now and then pray with people, visit the sick, or build a house in Mozambique. Do not be confused; nothing is wrong in doing these things, but the purpose or your end goal is the difference. Are you praying, visiting, or building because Jesus said you should (which He clearly does say in His word, James 1:27 comes to mind), or are you praying, visiting, or building because you want to soothe the guilty conscience you have?

We all love the picture in which Jesus stretches out His loving arms and say, “Come to Me” (Matt 11: 28), but most of us feel uncomfortable or troubled when we see a picture of Jesus saying, “Go into the world” (Matt 28:19). It is called the Go-spel after all!

To follow Christ, you need to listen to Him. To listen to Him, you need to set time aside from your Xbox or iPhone, read His word, listen to His music, or perhaps sit and wait.

If you cannot communicate with God or feel that He is too far away, send us a message! For inspiration, you can listen to our podcasts on iono.fm.

Written by Charl du Toit

Written by: Han

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